When working with the art and science of projection mapping it is important to understand how much ambient light there is.

When it comes to live events and permanent installations this is a driving factor in determining how bright the projectors need to be to achieve the magical and surreal lighting effect known as projection mapping.

The main ambient lighting conditions that can influence the effectiveness of the projector are:

  • The Sun, Sunset Time

  • Street Lights

  • Architectural Uplights, Sconces, etc

  • Windows

  • Interior Lighting, Chandeliers, etc

  • LED Walls and other Concert Lighting

In an ideal world it is best to have the surface for the projections, the building, or the room be completely dark.

Sometimes light fixtures can be dimmed or turned off. Or, we can get creative and build deflection panels to block the light spill from the projection surface.

However, this is not always possible which is why it is often necessary to increase the brightness of the projector.

In a big picture as long as the projections are not to be on a surface that has sunshine directly on it we are good to go.

Once we understand the needs of the project and the scope and scale our team of experts can help guide you through the process and ensure that the best projectors for the job are selected.

See below for a few examples of projects our team completed where although there was ambient light present the effect still shone through in a stunning way.