The Running Aces Casino, Hotel, & Racetrack was looking for a way to elevate the appeal of the entrance to their establishment.

LED screens can be effective displays but the equipment cost, maintenance, and architectural retrofitting made it a tough call for management.

Once their team discovered our projection mapping systems it was a perfect fit as they can cost effectively and reliably illuminate all facets of entire buildings all year long with minimal impact.

Combine this with a suite of remote management tools and their team was able to make this investment an immediate asset for their brand.


Initial impressions are everything and this enables them to look fresh all the time and for specific times.

Big, bright, and vibrant. The projections are incredible visible and help set the tone for a night of excitement and fun.

Reliable, automated, able to handle the weather rain or shine; it just works.


Just north of Minneapolis & St. Paul the Casino is in an area with extreme cold and heat throughout the year.

We ensured the system would thrive with specific attention to detail in our extreme weather package. This adds another layer of insulation and thermal management to our tried and true outdoor projection mapping systems.

To manage the system long term we provided the marketing team a suite of remote management tools. This way they can access the system from any secure internet connection and adjust the content, the schedule, as well as view the show.


The entrance to Running Aces featured excellent architecture to projection map onto.

The light colored walls meant the projections would be vibrant. Large sections without features ensured text could be incorporated while the windows provided nice details.

As with every system we ship it with a host of custom made content fit to the exact building and in line with the branding and aesthetic of the venue.

In this case it was important that the content be attention grabbing at all times and from all angles as guests only have 15-30 seconds to view the show while walking in and out.

From there themes of poker, cards, horse racing, and other holidays were incorporated to provide a well rounded content package to start the project off.